Friday, 2 February 2018

Studying Without a Book

Hello to all you wonderful English learners!

Sometimes, reviewing grammar from a book can get boring. It's good to change your method of study when you are getting kind of bored. Why not use an application or website to help?

Sometimes, I like to study new information using the trial and error method. This means I only study the new words or grammar information once, and then I use flash cards to continue my practice. Sure, I get things wrong many times, but as I keep doing the flashcard activity, I begin to get more and more correct answers. Soon, I know all the new information and I can even remember it the next day!

This is the definition of trial and error by Wikapedia
"It is characterised by repeated, varied attempts which are continued until success,[2] or until the [...student...] stops trying."

A good application for this practice is Chegg flashcards. This app is free. It allows you to make flashcards easily, save flashcards online, and even download flashcards that others have made. Exciting! I use it myself!

I also recently found a website that is perfect for this trial and error method. It is also good for reviewing information that you have learned earlier.

Have a look at this website. It has many different grammar points to practice and it uses a very simple format for the practice. Good luck and enjoy your practice! Remember to stop working when you begin to have trouble concentrating. Keep studying fun!

If you are out of ideas for studying, we can fix that!


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