Saturday, 12 May 2018

Idioms: The Squirrel and the Popcorn

Hello Wonderful Language Learners!

We have reached three followers! Thank you to all three of you! To celebrate, I have created a new video. It's simple, but hopefully fun.

Today, I want to show you how you can discover and practise idioms just by going for a walk. Also, I wanted to use this cute video I filmed on the way home yesterday.

The idioms for today are:

1) To hit the jackpot

2) To stuff my face

3) To eat like a pig

4) To eat like there is no tomorrow

See if you can guess the meanings of these idioms by watching the video. I will give you the definitions at the very bottom of this post. Enjoy!

I have plans to post a couple more videos using animals and idioms or slang. If you like animals, keep checking back for more fun!

If you avoid practicing idioms, we can fix that with fun!


The answers are further down...


1) To find or win something amazing!

2) To eat quickly rudely. You keep putting food in your mouth even though you are not finished chewing and swallowing yet.

3) To eat messily and quickly. Notice how the squirrel dropped a piece of popcorn because he/she is eating so quickly.

4) To eat (or do something else) like you will never get to do it again. You do the action in a very exited or desperate way.

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