Sunday, 10 September 2017

Translation vs. Interpretation

Happy weekend and hello!

I hope you are all having a great weekend! If the weekend is over where you are, then I hope it was wonderful!

Let's talk about translation and interpretation.

1) Translation: To change the words from one language to another language.
2) Interpretation: To change the words from one language to another while keeping the meaning the same.

For example, if I translate 'chien brun' from French to English, we get 'dog brown'. In French, the adjective goes after the noun, but in English, the adjective goes before the noun.

As you can see, I need to interpret. First I translate, then I interpret so that I can keep the meaning the same or follow the grammar rules of the other language. So, the French 'chien brun' changes into the English 'brown dog'.

cute English dog

Sometimes, the difference between translation and interpretation is more extreme.

For example, if I directly translate 'I'm hungry' from Japanese to English, the English will be 'My stomach is empty'. Notice how the meaning is different and a little strange in English.

English interpretation and translation problems

So, we must again first translate, but then think about how this is said in English. When we interpret into English, we get 'I'm hungry'.

Accurate English interpretation

Next time you are having trouble understanding a translation, try to think about how you can interpret it. Good luck!

If you're frustrated about interpretation, we can fix that!


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