This week is a little bit sad. My hometown hockey team was eliminated from the finals. This means they are no longer able to play. They will not win the championship. They are out.
However, my hometown team did do better than they have done in a very, very, very long time. So, that is good!
In honour of the Winnipeg Jets, we will look at some hockey terminology. I got this vocabulary from a good called So, you want to be a Canadian. Can you guess the meanings? Try to match the term to the proper meaning. Get your game face on!
1) To fan the puck. a) Hockey: To shoot the puck through the
goalie's legs. Not hockey: To trick
2) To go the 5-hole. b) He's crazy.
3) The wingman. c) A fight is going to begin.
4) He's gone down to block one too many d) His physical movements were
shots without his helmet. unbelievably awesome.
5) He undressed the guy. e) Hockey: To miss the puck when you
swing for it. Not hockey: To miss an
attempt at something.
6) He's dropping his gloves, eh? f) Hockey: The player who works hard to
help another player score. Not hockey:
The friend who works help to help you
meet a girl at the bar.
7) He stood on this head on that one. g) One player or person plays much better
or tricks another player or person during
one specific action.
The answers will be below. Don't cheat. Try to match them first. Think like a polite Canadian.
If you are in need of Canadian slang, we can fix that (I was born here)!
The answers are...
1 - e
2 - a
3 - f
4 - b
5 - g
6 - c
7 - d